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Step by step, easy to follow painting courses that remove the frustration and  give you the foundation you need to create awesome artwork.

What Painting Style is Right for YOU?

Would you like to grow from... "I can’t paint but I wish I could” to... “Wow I can’t believe I painted that” to... 

“I love this” to...even selling YOUR own work?


My students have done just that. 


Painting Pathways  was created to help students learn the foundational building blocks of painting in easy, systematic, step-by-step ways, to create beautiful paintings that they could be proud of.


I wanted to take the frustration out of learning how to paint by offering all the tips and tricks I wish I knew when I started out painting over 40 years ago!!! 


What makes Painting Pathway unique is that it doesn’t just demonstrate a skill to copy but provides a wholistic approach to art making.


Students learn the foundational building block principles of art and design all interwoven through progressive projects that build upon one another, step-by-step.


It’s like getting your vegetables in a Chocolate Zucchini Cake. Yum.


Knowing these basic art building blocks will help you gain the tools you need to find your own true inner artistic voice. 


I’ve developed these courses over the last 11 years based on the needs of my students with tried and proven results.


Our Flagship Courses in Watercolor and Acrylic give the student an excellent cornerstone to build their painting practice by offering a place to ask questions, get feedback from a professional artist (me) and engage with other students who are also on their painting journey.


Stand alone courses build upon that foundation, but also give the Beginning to Intermediate artist the chance to try out a course to see if the larger courses are the right fit. 


So what are you waiting for?  Your amazing Painting Pathway journey awaits you!

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